Emergent Quarantine and Civil Disobedience under Extreme Circumstance: A Case Study of the Heping Hospital Event in 2003

On April 24th 2003, Taipei Municipal Heping Hospital, where the first Taiwanese SARS (serious acute respiration syndrome) hospital infection occurred, was shut down abruptly to halt the outbreak of SARS infections in Taiwan. Being compelled to work and without necessary protection against SARS, some hospital staff broke the quarantine order by getting through the blockade. Based on the right to life, this research investigates the social construction of the medical professionals’ disobedience, with the intention of evaluating the operation of the state’s emergency health powers.

緊急防疫與極端狀態下之市民不服從:以 SARS 期間和平醫院封院為例

發生在 2003 年三至六月的 SARS 疫情曾經帶給台灣社會前所未有的衝擊,事後關於 SARS 防治過程之檢討分析的文獻也已累積不少,惟其中以自由權論述影射國家的自主性決策戕害人權為主。但是這無法進一步解釋國家何以在三天內將封院就地治療政策改為封院轉院治療政策。本文以 2003 年 4 月 25 日台北市和平醫院因爆發院內感染遭致政府倉卒封院,部份醫護人員採取「衝出封鎖線」之激烈方式對抗的過程為例,探討事件背後的政策形成與轉變之脈絡,說明醫護人員的激烈行為所隱含之生命權優位觀點,並試圖將此以一行為定義為市民不服從行為,以茲對市民不服從「極端狀態」之概念性原則做一補充。


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