Industrial Policy

Regional Benefit Distribution of Industrial Policy in Mainland China: The Case of the “SRDI” Policy

This study explores how local governments in China maintain a role in policy implementation and influence outcomes despite the central government's greater control under Xi Jinping's leadership. By analyzing the case of a new industrial policy for nurturing “Specialized Refinement, Differential, and Innovation (SRDI)” small giant enterprises, it shows how regions, regarded as competing interest groups, navigate the complex relationship between central and local governments.

New Faces in the Regime of China’s Industrial Policy: Private High-Technology Companies in the Program of New Infrastructure Construction

In 2020, the Chinese government launched the Program of New Infrastructure Construction, an industrial policy aimed at establishing China as a global leader in high-technology manufacturing. Unlike previous industrial policies, this program involved a significant number of private high-technology companies (HTCs). Given that China's economic model is characterized by state capitalism, why has the Chinese industrial policy supported private HTCs?

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