Regular Issue

顯示第 1 筆至第 5 筆,總共 5 筆

第 18 卷・第 1 期
發行於 六月, 2014

Faced with the current misery of world poverty, a group of scholarshave recently argued that global distributive justice should aim atimproving the condition of the poor up to a threshold of sufficiency, insteadof eliminating the unequal distribution of goods and resources between thepoor and the rich or giving priority to alleviating the predicament of theworse-off. In this paper, by analyzing the justification of the state system,I develop an account of sufficientarianism that highlights basic needs asthe sufficiency threshold because of their importance to people’s privateand political lives. In addition, I suggest three further standards (empirical necessity, moral justifiability, and urgency) to determine the appropriatelength of the list of basic needs for the practical project of global justice.Compared to other theories of global sufficientarianism, my account notonly provides a more precise method to define the sufficiency threshold,but also proposes a morally significant threshold of sufficiency that can beendorsed by other sufficientarians such as Nussbaum.

Yu-chun Kuo

By way of re-examining J. S. Mill’s thoughts on liberal imperialismthat consist of a theory of non-intervention and a theory of state-building,this article is meant to offer a re-interpretation of his political theory, so as,on the one hand, to challenge Michael Walzer’s communitarian readingand, on the other, to meet some recent criticisms made from those whointerpret Mill either as a an originator of democratic peace or as a liberalimperialist.

It reads Mill’s autobiography in the light of the doctrine of“experiments in living” highlighted by Isaiah Berlin and the ensuingnew wave of attempts that try to reconcile Mill’s utilitarianism withliberalism. Furthermore, the resulting interpretation presents Mill’s liberalimperialism as a theory which is of a piece with his defence of individualliberty and support for utilitarianism, with the latter two understood as twologically as well as practically related doctrines linked by his concept of a “progressive being” which in turn is derived from Mill’s reflection on hisown experiments in living.

Hao Yeh


透過多層模型的建立與分析, 本研究發現相對於沒有做過任何訪問的訪員而言,有做過 TEDS(Taiwan’s Election andDemocratization Study, TEDS)的訪員比較能取得受訪者的同意受訪,尤其是都市化程度愈高的訪區差異愈大。另外,有做過 TEDS訪問的訪員比沒有做過訪問的訪員,在低都市化地區與面對低教育程度受訪者時,問卷項目無反應率也較低。訪員的性別因素也是影響訪問績效的重要因素。相對於女性訪員,男性訪員顯然更容易被拒訪,尤其是在面對女受訪者時。但是,訪員的性別差異並沒有反映在他們的問卷完整性上。在其他的因素方面,本研究也發現受訪者的年齡愈高愈可能拒訪,且問卷無反應率也越高。男性受訪者比女性受訪者更傾向接受訪問,在問卷無反應率方面也比女性受訪者來得低。本研究所關注的訪區因素方面,都市化程度愈低的訪區,受訪者比較傾向接受訪問,但是他們提供有效答案的比例也顯著較都市化程度較高地區的受訪者低。另一個訪區因素,即訪區的犯罪率則沒有造成任何的顯著影響。本研究認為,倘若研究者愈能夠掌握訪員、受訪者與訪問區域的元素,且愈了解這些元素之間彼此的互動,則愈有利於調查研究上人力的安排。




2005 年 6 月我國立委選制從複數選區單記不可讓渡投票制與政黨比例代表制的混合制改為單一選區相對多數與政黨比例代表的混合制,那麼,此一選舉制度的變革,究竟對立委的立法行為是否產生改變?本篇論文以立委縱貫第五、六、七屆(自 2002 年 2 月到2012 年 1 月)的提案為分析焦點,探討立委的提案行為在選制變革後是變遷或持續。本研究有幾個研究發現:首先,新選制下立委的提案更形踴躍,每個立委每會期的平均提案數大約是過去的三倍之多,且無論在哪一類型的提案數都有增多的趨勢,因此可以說新選制增強了立委原有的提案動機。其次,新選制下立委在提供普遍性利益的提案比例增加,而提供特殊性利益的提案比例降低,顯示在新選制下,由於立委必須去獲得選區 50% 以上選民的支持,因此提高了其以提供普遍性利益的立法提案,去尋求最大多數人支持的動機,此一發現支持中間選民定理,亦即在主要競爭者是兩個且在單一選區相對多數選制下,競爭者的議題立場有往中間靠攏的趨勢。然而,根據立委提案的規模與立委用在立法院的時間與資源來觀察,立委提案數的大幅提升,與提供普遍性利益的立法提案比例增加,並非意味著立委對立法問政的更加用心,也並非意味立法品質的提升。
