Regular Issue

顯示第 1 筆至第 5 筆,總共 5 筆

第 24 卷・第 2 期
發行於 十二月, 2020

Facing labor shortages and looming economic challenges, East Asian countries decided to open their labor markets and recruit low-skilled foreign workers. For example, Taiwan adopted a guest-worker program in 1992 that heavily involved private recruitment agencies as labor mediators, whereas Korea launched a temporary labor migration program in 2003 through government-to-government agreements. Despite their similar democratic experiences and developmental histories, why has Korea developed a government-managed guest-worker program while Taiwan has established a brokerage-driven program to control foreign workers? What are the driving factors behind the divergence of labor migration governance between Taiwan and Korea? To answer the question, this paper first compares key features of their foreign labor policy, including recruitment, admission, employment, and return of migrant workers, and then examines the main drivers behind the institutional divergence. This study argues that three factors have largely determined the divergent outcomes of labor migration policies: (1) the power balance between economic and social ministries in the government, (2) political pressures from civil society for migrants’ rights, and (3) systematic participation of labor unions in social movements for labor migrants.

Mason M.S. Kim

Local elected officials are expected to advise or mandate their citizens to take protective action when their communities face imminent risk. These decisions are challenging, as they must be made with imperfect information. This study identifies the factors that influence Taiwan’s local elected officials’ decisions to suspend public and school operations in response to impending typhoon risk. Through an analysis of data collected from semi-structured interviews with nineteen informants, this article reveals multiple interrelated factors that influence such decisions. These factors include (1) the storm’s strength, timing, speed, and path; (2) a jurisdiction’s geographical, economic, and social characteristics; (3) internal stakeholder factors; (4) external stakeholder factors; and (5) the elected officials’ experience, knowledge, and values. These factors contribute to the suspension decision process because officials are under pressure to meet legal, managerial, and political accountabilities. This study reveals the complexities associated with risk response decision making and contributes to our understanding of how public officials make decisions in uncertain situations.

Wen-Jiun Wang, Tien-Shen Li

原住民族遺骨與文物返還是近來國際原住民族運動與原住民族研究(indigenous studies)的一大熱點。而 2017 年發生的「馬遠布農族遺骸爭議」,恰恰標示出了本土返還議題的爭點所在。有鑑於此,本研究擬從馬遠事件出發,透過制度性的視角來對相關議題進行批判性的檢討。本文指出,所謂的「返還」不只是遺骨或文物物理上的移動與回歸;它所真正處理的其實是權利的重新定義與再探索,更是各關鍵利害關係人間(特別是政府、大學/博物館/研究機構、學術社群、原住民族等)的關係重構。有鑑於問題的複雜,本文提出:吾人應把馬遠一案視為通盤檢討類似案例的契機,透過權利論述與制度設計的雙管齊下,來促成遺骨與文物返還的終極解決。為此,作者指出政府宜展現面對過往黑暗歷史(dark history)的決心,並提供政策引導、經費支持、與法制規範,來協助返還的進程。唯有如此,先人的遺骨才能早日返家安息。





